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Главная » Фотоальбом » Экополис, среда обитания. » Test Tube Mini-Plants
Artist Phil Ross spent the last ten years figuring out how to make plants grow just small enough so that they were on the brink of death. By submerging the plant’s roots in nutrient-infused H2O, controlling its light intake with LEDs powered by an old car battery, and keeping them caged into test tubes and other tiny blown glass encasings, Ross can make almost any plant midget-sized and stunted.

Pictured above is one of his favorite inventions, which he calls the Juggernaut. Contrary to what some conservationists might believe, Ross thinks wiring and controlling nature is a good thing:

I have drawn on two culturally divergent traditions for Juggernaut- Chinese scholar’s objects and
Victorian glass conservatories, which share the belief that nature is best understood when seen through the lens of human artifice.

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Просмотров: 3426 | Размеры: 637x869px/869.4Kb | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 | Дата: 25.01.2011 | mnemonik
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